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Apr 29, 2019
This post is also available in: Spanish
Information that you will need to complete the registration process:
– a valid and working email address that you have access to
– a social security number for you and every member of your household (NOTE: if you or a family member does not have a social security number, then enter “999-99-9999”
– a working phone number (NOTE: if you do not have a phone number, then enter “956-000-0000”)
– information about all the persons in your household, including live-in aides and foster children
– the total amount of income from all persons in your household except from live-in aides or foster children. Please
note that this income includes:
Request ID#: 2016-001
Requestor’s Organization: Volunteers Serving The Need
Requestor’s Name: Gigi Ramos
Date of Request: January 21, 2016
Request Information: Approval of 12-11-15
Agency Response: public_information_request_01-21-16_Gigi_Ramos
Request ID#: 2016-002
Requestor’s Organization: Volunteers Serving The Need
Requestor’s Name: Gigi Ramos
Date of Request: January 22, 2016
Request Information: Sound recorded from Board Meeting 12-11-15
Agency Response: public_information_request_01-22-16_Gigi_Ramos
Request ID#: 2016-003
Requestor’s Organization: SmartProcure
Requestor’s Name: Kay Thomas
Date of Request: February 5, 2016
Request Information: All electronic maintained purchasing records dated 01/01/2010 to current. The request is limited to electronic records without copying, printing, or scanning. The information requested from your record keeping system is:
1. Unique Identifier # such as PO # (preferred), if not Check # or Invoice #
2. Date
3. Description
4. Quantity
5. Price
6. Vendor ID number, name, and address
Agency Response: public_information_request_02-05-16_SmartProcure
Request ID#: 2016-005
Requestor’s Organization: private citizen
Requestor’s Name: Elizabeth Martinez
Date of Request: February 19, 2016
Request Information: Personnel policies regarding grounds for termination and separation pay
Agency Response: public_information_request_02-19-16_Elizabeth_Martinez
Request ID#: 2016-006
Requestor’s Organization: private citizen
Requestor’s Name: Raymond Bruni
Date of Request: April 6, 2016
Request Information: Please provide the procurement process used in hiring Escamilla and Poneck. Please provide all invoices paid to this law firm.
Agency Response: public_information_request_Raymond_Bruni_04-06-16
Request ID#: 2016-007
Requestor’s Organization: private citizen
Requestor’s Name: Raymond Bruni
Date of Request: April 15, 2016
Request Information: “Communications text, emails, and any other form of communications from Melissa Ortiz and Jose Ceballos prior to the 01-27-16 LHA meeting”
Agency Response: public_information_request_04-15-16_Raymond_Bruni
Request ID#: 2016-008
Requestor’s Organization: private citizen
Requestor’s Name: Raymond Bruni
Date of Request: June 27, 2016
Request Information: A copy of all documents in the possession of the Housing Authority of the City of Laredo (LHA), Laredo Housing Opportunities Corporation (LHOC), Laredo Housing Facilities Corporation (LHFC), Laredo Housing Development Corporation (LHDC) as set forth below:
Request #1: All of LHA’s, as well as LHOC’s, LHFC’s, and LHCD’s (hereafter collectively “PFCs”) correspondence (emails, letters, faxes, notes of telephone conversations, notes of meetings, et al. — whether in paper or electronic form), including that of LHA’s Commissioners, PFCs’ Directors, and LHA’s legal counsel or anyone acting on it’s behalf, to and from the (a) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (including the offices in Washington, D.C. and San Antonio, and the Special Applications Center in Chicago) (hereafter collectively “HUD”); (b) Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA); (c) the City of Laredo, and (d) Brownstone Affordable Housing, Ltd. and/or it’s consultant Leslie Holleman & Associates, relating to the River Bank Village project (TDHCA No. 13081) from January 1, 2016 thru the present.
Request #2: All of LHA’s and PFCs’ correspondence (emails, letters, faxes, notes of telephone conversations, notes of meetings, et al. — whether in paper or electronic form), including that of LHA’s Commissioners, PFCs’ Directors, and LHA’s legal counsel or anyone action on its behalf, to and from (a) HUD; (b) TDHCA; (c) City of Laredo; and (d) Brownstone Affordable Housing, Ltd. and/or it’s consultant Leslie Holleman & Associates, relating to the Casa Verde Apartments project (TDHCA No. 15251), from January 1, 2016 through the present.
Request #3: All of LHA’s and PFCs’ correspondence (emails, letters, faxes, notes of telephone conversations, notes of meetings, et al. — whether in paper or electronic form), including that of LHA’s Commissioners, PFCs’ Directors, and LHA’s legal counsel or anyone action on its behalf, to and from (a) HUD; (b) TDHCA; (c) lenders; and (d) Brownstone Affordable Housing, Ltd. and/or it’s consultant Leslie Holleman & Associates, relating to the Stone Oaks Seniors, and Stone Oaks Family projects, from January 1, 2016 through the present.
Request #4: All of LHA’s and PFCs’ correspondence (emails, letters, faxes, notes of telephone conversations, notes of meetings, et al. — whether in paper or electronic form), including that of LHA’s Commissioners, PFCs’ Directors, and LHA’s legal counsel or anyone action on its behalf, to and from (a) HUD; (b) City of Laredo; and (c) lenders relating to the 27 Apartments in South Laredo, from January 1, 2016 through the present.
Request #5: All of LHA’s and PFCs’ correspondence (emails, letters, faxes, notes of telephone conversations, notes of meetings, et al. — whether in paper or electronic form), including that of LHA’s Commissioners, PFCs’ Directors, and LHA’s legal counsel or anyone action on its behalf, to and from (a) HUD; (b) City of Laredo; (c) Laredo Independent School District; (d) residents of Russell Terrace; (e) TDHCA; and (f) Brownstone Affordable Housing, Ltd. and/or it’s consultant Leslie Holleman & Associates, relating to the demolition and/or , from January 1, 2016 through the present.
Agency Response:
Request ID#: 2016-009
Requestor’s Organization: private citizen
Requestor’s Name: Phillip W. Dyer
Date of Request: August 18, 2016
Request Information: A list of all properties in Laredo that being leased out under low income programs to include the following programs:
– (Housing Choice Voucher Program Section 8 and Section 8 certificate programs and/or Project based and/or tenant based) to include property address of home or unit, condo, or apartment, any HUD ID associated with the properties, home owners’ names, addresses and phone numbers.
– If there are new programs not on this list, please include properties in your inventory under those programs as I realize these programs change names occasionally.
Agency Response: Land Lord List
Request ID#: 2017-001
Requestor’s Organization: Hudson Energy & South Texas Specialties
Requestor’s Name: Raymundo Rodriguez
Date of Request: April 4, 2017
Request Information: Under the Texas Public Information Act, 6252-17a et seq., I am requesting to obtain copies of your electricity contract and contract with any electricity consultant or electricity aggregator. And also requesting copies of current invoices for the last two months for 5 locations with the most electricity consumption.
We are currently compiling information from municipalities, school districts, and political subdivisions. We are an independent broker/consultant from the surrounding area doing an analysis on this matter.
Agency Response:
In accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Annotated Section 552.001 et seq., a person or party may request inspection of and/or duplication of the public records maintained by or for the Laredo Housing Authority.
Interested persons may submit a Public Information Request using the contact form below or by submitting the request in writing. Click here to download a Public Information Request form to submit a request in writing. Written Public Information Requests must be delivered or mailed to:
Laredo Housing Authority
ATTN: Executive Director – Public Information Request
2000 San Francisco
Laredo, TX 78040
In making this request, the Requestor understands that the Laredo Housing Authority is under no obligation to create a document to satisfy a request or to comply with a standing request for information. Requestor further understands that the information will be released in accordance with the Public Information Act, which may require a determination as to confidentiality by the Texas Attorney General prior to release. I further understand that the Laredo Housing Authority has ten (10) business days in which to request such a determination and/or to comply with this request.
All Laredo Housing Authority records are available for public view unless one of the exceptions to disclosure listed in the Public Information Act applies. Government Code Chapter 552 – Public Information, lists the exceptions. Some types of information that may be kept confidential include:
Here are the agendas and minutes from the LHA Board of Commissioner’s meetings held in December 2015.
Agenda for 12-11-2015 Meeting Minutes for 12-11-2015 Meeting
Agenda for 12-22-2015 Meeting Minutes for 12-22-2015 Meeting